

IceKicker® High Performance De-Icing Salt is a coarse graded solar salt crystallized from brines from the Great Salt Lake in Utah. IceKicker has been pre-treated with a proprietary liquid enhancer for the control of ice and snow under challenging winter road maintenance conditions. IceKicker melts snow and ice faster and at colder temperatures than typical road salts. IceKicker also meets the requirements of most Local and State public authorities.

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ColdStorm salt brine enhancer works as a cystallization inhibitor and lowers the freeze point of salt brine. When added at 30%, the observed freeze point is lowered to -28°F. Different add rates of ColdStorm results in different freeze points which results in more effective de-icing. ColdStorm allows users to customize their salt brine to the conditions of the storm. Different storms require different levels of anti-icers and ColdStorm provides this flexibility.

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KickStart is a proprietary blend of de-icing liquids used to enhance salt and make it visible. Many organizations are equipped with pre-wetting saddle tanks on their trucks but are seeking a better additive for their salt. KickStart provides improved de-icing performance by working at lower temperatures, sticking to the salt, and adding a blue color. KickStart stays on the salt providing a residual de-icing affect all while making your efforts visible to the public. If you’re looking for a better pre-wetting additive, KickStart is the answer for you!

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